Sunday, September 29, 2013

six ways to Sunday

(look around and wonder
circling round suns and years)

dishes stacked with
half-baked breakfast remnants
linger on the counter
in the sink

I, foolhardy, contrite, damp
scrub the caked egg off the china
in hopes that the cracked
porcelain doesn't chip further

Monday, September 23, 2013

perfunctory remission

Haunted by death's sallow pallor

I watch waxen hollow faces
from across the bar

nine minus

here is to moments 
and the hot tip of a nail
and the razor's edge longs
and hot food a memory

I turn to resolve
and count seconds as private victories
against the inevitable tick tock

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

patience of Job

my grandmother used to tell my mom
"you have the patience of Job,"
as she sat picking snarls
from strands of necklaces.

my stomach is in knots
as I think back
to all of the times
became more common than yes. 

my heart
hunted the most dangerous game
I started saying yes
but my stomach is still in knots 

Monday, September 16, 2013

land shark

the tide rises
being pulled up by dawn's
silken peach
glow over the horizon

another day in paradise, I mumble to the rents in my heart. it's not so much that I mind being the last very last because my papa always said, the meek shall inherit the earth.

in the quiet I mistook humility for shame
traded respect for acceptance
Peter is wondering when he is going to be paid

enough enough enough
kool aid

Sunday, September 08, 2013

no, no, know now

we filter together
across oblivion

grow these secrets
stitch them into sunshine

forge rumors
out of starlight

meandering trajectory
stumbled upon intelligence

the application for happiness
requires more than a number

Saturday, September 07, 2013

Spammers Love this Wormhole

I wish I could remember what was on my mind when I wrote that oh so ever so long ago.

Happiness and peace stem from self-mastery.

Friday, September 06, 2013

Dreams May Come

The days long ago
when small boxes full of empty promise
filled my pockets

Winter approaches
the boundary of summer's lingering light

reflects off skin wet with sweat

Hibernation and soup and books and woolen sweaters
stars silent across the frozen sky
my breath exhales summer

I am in and out friends, in and out. On the lam, my wings spread, I opened myself up to what-may-come and standing here in the great welcome what-may-come I find myself intact and quiet. I suppose that I would like to explain how I finally start to understand that I've made a mess of my talents, not applied myself rigorously in my pursuits. If I were to say that, I would be a liar.

I take aim
exhale and steady my approach

Help is on the way

Wednesday, September 04, 2013

drinking pink noise

to all of you
dismantled in sunset's
drunken twilight glow
I stand limbed

singing whispered
strategies of
past melancholies