Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Are You Serious?!? More Thoughts on Service

So that day when I brought you and sandwich and you looked at it and said "there's cheese on this!"

Do you remember that day? I do. I had been on a break enjoying some much deserved reprieve from the likely demands of high maintenance customers such as yourself. Well, when I had finished my plate of eggs, I washed my hands (see, hygiene!), grabbed the food waiting in the window and brought it to your table. I had never, ever, seen you before. I did not take your order, I had not brought you coffee and soymilk. You and I were strangers.

Back to the cheese, "There's cheese. On this."

I looked at your sandwich, which clearly had cheese on it, "Oh, I'll take care of that." So I went into the kitchen and said, "this grilled veggie sandwich has cheese on it, can you make me (a whole new one, from scratch, with all new ingredients and throw away the old one because we can't reserve food.) one without cheese?" And even though they were really busy, they did it 'cus I said please.

When I brought you your sandwich for the second time you said, "This isn't a garden burger." and I said, "No, it's a grilled veggie sandwich sans the cheese." Then you looked at me and said, "You know what, don't even bother, I can't eat this."

Well I walked over and threw that sandwich away for the second time so that your sorry vegan ass who doesn't want to hurt cute little animals and save the planet, just wasted two perfectly good meals. Then I started to cry. Because a stranger, you, just yelled at me in public. You yelled at me and I wasn't even your waitress. You are big and mean, and you know what just because you're vegan doesn't mean that you are doing your part to this world a better place.

Love and Kisses,
Your Breakfast Server

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