I take freedom where it stands. Waking hours before dawn, sitting down here at my computer and working. I have an average of 242 words per day this year. I do best with regularity and routine, I fall into a natural rhythm and it fits down to the bone.
Writing daily is the same as diet or exercise, only words mush my brain and running makes my heart beat against my ears. Words make me sweat; sometimes, I sit here and the more I don't want to say something I sweat. It pours down my arms and over my ribs. Cold wet excited to be so honest on paper, it is thrilling. I started running 16 days ago. I am so fresh to the process that if I skip my routine for more than two days, my routine no longer exists and I will put off pulling on my running gear till it was a memory of a thing I tried to do a few weeks ago.
I run down along the river, through the dry creek bed that if this was a normal winter I am sure would be churning with water and sticks. I push through the wet grass and dodge sticks. I find a deep rhythmic breath and feel my hips rotate. I am moving and I am breathing and I am on adventure and I love that. I avoid pavement, cars, and people. I saw a bobcat; he saw me first.
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