Saturday, April 28, 2012

Reading List

Lolita, A Spy in the House of Love, Tropic of Cancer; enough said.

There is an immense elephant of a project looming over me that I pick away at. I snip through old memories (lord, I wish I'd kept better notes) and wonder about the quality of the images in my head. I am thinking about going dark, by that pulling this blog down for awhile. I won't, it's only a consideration. 

Poverty is grinding my joints. I lost my foodstamps because of an office error and have not had time to get that mess straightened out. I can only image that it will take months. I have been living off of noodles, fresh eggs, leftover bread for two weeks.

More than this is the reality of working endless 60 hour weeks, know that if I say 60 I mean close to 70, and unable to feed my body mind spirit with enough sleep and rest to maintain begin to fray out into space.

Solace is in the spirit, strength in the body as the muscles continue to wrap in on themselves tightening around bone, it is only my mind which concerns me now. If the three are linked and one surges forward the others tag along into the new frontier. What if that's true of surging forward into less constructive realms. Does the mind undo what the body builds.

Lolita is surprisingly good; I've not read it before. There is a not too old man who craves pubescent girls, nymphets he calls them. They are his primary drive.

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