Sunday, July 01, 2012

Things I found today

I pulled over to *free-pee* and check my map (where in the fuck am I going (today) anyways?). Scattered around my feet were a half-dozen owl pellets. Thank you owl medicine. I would like to say thank you instinct for taking me up that particular road, thank you bladder for almost bursting, thank you miss Chaya for being the queen of the free-pee, you never know where you'll end up when you pull over and pull down your pants—

I also got a new checkered scarf that matches my riding suit, a pair of bitchin vintage sunglasses, some hankies, and few random necklaces for $9 at the Crane Mellon Barn barn sale. OH!!! and I almost forgot... a unicorn music box! I haven't had a music box since ages, not since I was a girl, a young girl, and it's not actually a unicorn...

Look closer—it is a Pegasus Unicorn which Ultimate Unicorn to the Max Turbo Extreme! it plays somewhere over the rainbow.



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