Saturday, April 09, 2016

Dare Big & Dream Accordingly

I am simplifying. I square up the corners of life. Meaning two or more points converge to form a point. Examining the exterior, formal, edge of an object leads to an understanding of its physical nature. The interior represents the essence, the atomic, the unobservable potential expression. 

For art to be good it must inspire others to good action and demonstrate continued exploration of the social context in which art is created and exhibited.

The call to action is similar to Platos urgency that all true love ultimately leads to wisdom because it is a progressive and willing exploration of shared symbols. Semiotic introspection is galvanized when the formalized symbols which represent our conception of social identity fail to accurately disseminate our empirical observations. 


I've been sitting on secrets, holding slightly more back these days. I am calming my nerves with exercise and focused breathing; I stopped smoking.

I gave myself that for my birthday, having finally decided I appreciate my time on this planet to want to be here long enough to really fall in love

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