Thursday, September 18, 2014

Worlds Collide, Light Rush In

I am back a dozen years
 reading diaries, eating fruit in the nude
my inspiration remains
worlds colliding
 (Anias Nin: What I most want in the world,
the only thing that counts,
my deepest need, my obsession,
is the dream of love
and that I cannot possess but intermittently.
I want it all, continual, frenzied, full of orgy,
even if I must pay for it with my death.)
The smell of rain on dry soil and forest fires, mingles with our sweat. Overlooking the valley my eyes sting as the salt of my perspiration leaks over the lids.

The soil is thirsty, the plants are dry, we all need moisture; the human body without touch becomes aged and stiff. A raven spies on us as we reach groping for our pleasure, not alone, animals a part of nature.

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