Wednesday, September 27, 2006

a darker shade of gray:

September is the ides of March and April's fools all rolled into one long month of practical and impractical jokes. The last was losing my wallet. Which might have been a good thing 'cause I'm broke and the sun don't shine where I'm going.

School is a place where a lot of people look (no one speaks) at me. I am uncertain if this is because I have some large leafy foliage in my teeth or another less obvious reason. The days are dazzlingly airy. I put my sweaters away, sadly. I can't even wear a coat. People stand around talking, giving one another knowing looks.

Tons of people smoke tons of ciggies. Not me and not the French. Turns out they're trying to pass an anti-smoking law similar to New York and California... We here in good ol' Oregon with all our fresh air can smoke till the sky turns red.

Typical that France, emblematic of smokers and futurism and maniacal elitism, would ban their favorite hobby

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