Saturday, June 22, 2013

Let the Darkness Return, or An Ode to Summer

compulsion fades
the desperation, the lost mind and wandering spirit
took time to settle and look at themselves 
to see their reflection

Breathing in
a whole, deep breath

I threw my towel on the floor
exited the ring of despair

I build
a little clay house
shaped like a heart
lit from within

the warmth overtook me
light joy rememberance
part of god
all of god
none of god

reflects out
infinite exponential growth
opening opening opening

further wider 
encompassing embracing accepting 
each and every scar
and every mar
that has stained 
the glass window 

lovely by day, they sparkle and shine
in the darkness of night under a an empty moon 
its splendor revealed
lit from within

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