Thursday, June 06, 2013

meeting william Carlos Williams

I am at jenni's, staying in her authentically rustic cabin above dry creek general store. she's nuts for the quiet combination of Danish modern and cowboy and just enough dishes. I've taken to living solo like a flower to sun and fear the waiting confines of my estrogen hostile dorm. but, I suppose, that's the price for playing princess at pony palace. 

these days I am not worth much else. I've got a penchant for booze tend to smoke unfiltered cigarettes and drink my coffee black and whatever temperature I find it. 

I can flex my back, write backwards
upside down
at the same time

one armed push ups
and a tequila sunrise

anyhow tomorrow I need to return to life as I've known it and I could almost rip all the skin from my arms

just thinking 

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