Sunday, June 30, 2013


it's usually me
who breaks

a tempered weld
is stronger
than the original

my metal bones


the ghost left my body, leaving me exhausted but incorporated. the ups and downs of June: tidal waters murky with flotsam; loose dreams and expansive horizons; late nights and later dawns. 

the necessity of pain and the place where finally letting go and accepting perfection in its  tangible form allows me to exhale. 

faith based living allows love without expectation. 

Friday, June 28, 2013

Love's Fool

I am a fool for love

I am not a fool for loving
carelessly, with abandon
regular as an inhale

The chips
leave them
spinning scattering suspended in air

Monday, June 24, 2013

clocks keep time

I calculate the number of hours
measure them in sunsets
sage brush
changing topography

Between your home and mine
miles split the horizon
into days

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Let the Darkness Return, or An Ode to Summer

compulsion fades
the desperation, the lost mind and wandering spirit
took time to settle and look at themselves 
to see their reflection

Breathing in
a whole, deep breath

I threw my towel on the floor
exited the ring of despair

I build
a little clay house
shaped like a heart
lit from within

the warmth overtook me
light joy rememberance
part of god
all of god
none of god

reflects out
infinite exponential growth
opening opening opening

further wider 
encompassing embracing accepting 
each and every scar
and every mar
that has stained 
the glass window 

lovely by day, they sparkle and shine
in the darkness of night under a an empty moon 
its splendor revealed
lit from within

Friday, June 21, 2013

the wind and I have this thing

For a moment I was that happy girl
and it felt amazing 
to be with 

I felt that
incredible, beautiful

I would rather hold all of that those memories in my heart
to look back on examine as pearls on a long string

I've been saying so long
I love my friends, I like to fuck strangers
there's a part of me that would like to keep fucking you
so I think
maybe it's best
if we
a little longer

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

she moves more than mountains

Giving my heart out out out fearlessly

the catch in my throat
my dreams are my inspiration
I love
across the sunset of desire
beyond the canyons of our forgotten memories

I pull into myself

I've been sleeping long and relatively hard the last days. Oversleeping and to be frank I've needed it, part of my program is flexibility in the process of figuring out how to take care about my needs.

Monday, June 17, 2013

my love contains multitudes

sunrise yawns through my open bedroom window

wakening my senses restored
responding to the cool cotton sheets

oh how I love
heartbreak's spill-over

Sunday, June 16, 2013

I take the Unknown

Between you and the cliff
I take the later

Fresh like a breeze
the daisy
the maybe 


I recover my wits
discover memory

urges me
to explore

lands less traveled
songs unsung
limitless language

secrets spoken
to the wind carried on wings to my ears

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Shade in the Desert

I threw my heart's


to pause
before the precipice

gusts tempt
wind howls
my heart aloft

swiftly soaring
steadfast home

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

lord, how do I love

The warmth of the sun radiates through the cedar wall and though I sit inside I feel its rays. 

today, these days, I better my heart. I struggle. I fight myself into submission. I avoid hot metal and booze and drugs that bend the truth.

supposing that love, simple love, opens locked boxes: what bones would be laid bare; would those places skeletons haunt in dusky half light, be swept and mopped and shine?

oh how I grow faint from desire
how i long for hot metal and booze and drugs which tell half truths. 

Sunday, June 09, 2013


unexplained weight loss
what would I do without you
those who've seen the shine's
tarnished luster
wax and wane

I hung from my hips-
swaying in the quarter moon breeze 
mashing my right lateral femoral nerve
into numb submission

I look for solace in
sugilite fluorite lepidolite tonics
infused with the waxing moon
fennel and rosemary

Friday, June 07, 2013

the posts have been sunk and the flowers planted

what's left is to tend the garden
I am a farmer's daughter
he spoke to plants and they grew

I woke at 03:32
before dawn's birds began their calls

but after the chittering coyotes finished
the offering I left across the meadow

my eyes bolt open heart racing 
mind mind mind spinning 

I've taken to crystals and mediation
because now
I don't run from my heart's shadow

Thursday, June 06, 2013

meeting william Carlos Williams

I am at jenni's, staying in her authentically rustic cabin above dry creek general store. she's nuts for the quiet combination of Danish modern and cowboy and just enough dishes. I've taken to living solo like a flower to sun and fear the waiting confines of my estrogen hostile dorm. but, I suppose, that's the price for playing princess at pony palace. 

these days I am not worth much else. I've got a penchant for booze tend to smoke unfiltered cigarettes and drink my coffee black and whatever temperature I find it. 

I can flex my back, write backwards
upside down
at the same time

one armed push ups
and a tequila sunrise

anyhow tomorrow I need to return to life as I've known it and I could almost rip all the skin from my arms

just thinking