Saturday, June 04, 2016


The bilateral daughter of Zeus and Dione
reincorporated again at the time of Demacritus in form, atomic, distinct. Previously named by Aristarchus having detected Earth's heliocentricity

Passed quickly over during the symposium, spoken through Socrates. 

I sit here immemorial to no one not yet born
Neither bearing progeny
nor belabored circumstance

Amidst the cosmic background radiation 
Me here right on this chair the very edge of the void
existing between
here there then
oh oh oh how were we now

jungle consortium 
speaks for the free

let the damned be damned 
Drag in the take bakes and rush out into the night
Lipstick up and collars on

Wind is my mmmmmhhhhmmmm
Ledge of my skirt caught up above my knees
... as no one is watching

The otherwise

How to explain the hot heat of a memory from another life
I died that day
That's what no ever says about being reborn
Death comes first

Now that bit of trivial sophist in me wants to present an alternative: hot cicadas bursting through the heat I am transported to yet another dream. I am on the Mediterranean. In linen, water on a balcony with lemons floating, the pitcher the breeze carry the weight of summer. 

A car rumbles and a motorbike revs into a halt. The spell is broken and I am carried by the sound as the bike accelerates into the horizon. Carrying me in the waves of sound. 

Thursday, June 02, 2016

Smaller Pieces

I'm here in Medford. I rode out to buy some Damar resin. Encaustic, I am going to paint tonight. 

I am flashes of feelings that swallow my entire being. I hold on to my handle bars. I blur at 80 mph relative to the road, pray every ounce, strength of will into my finger tips and out of my ears.

The last whole life has been a lie
All of it and there are so few relative truths that 80 mph is relative to concrete is an effect of gravitational forces seems more real than anything else I can hold.

I need to get the fuck out of here 
Europe, Latin America, Mars: incorporates into dark matter

I've thought about checking myself into a hospital 

Or a mma ring

Instead I pray into my finger tips and the loose hold I keep on the throttle

I'm going home to paint in hot wax
Colors that have never been seen before