Sunday, February 24, 2013

Star Fuck

Just a quick note because maybe there exists a person or two out there who wants to know I am still breathing

Most of the time, that's automatic, so yes and my heart beats too

I am a goddamn princess. You know that.

I earn $400 a month most of that going to pay for Starbright Firecracker Boom-Boom, coffee, cigarettes, beer in that order

I am not fancy, I have lost my mind

If there was a cage I would put myself there and let you poke me with sticks
and spit

which sounds mean

but I am suspicious of people who are kind, gentle

because we all know that's a front

at least I do

for now I'd like a cage, or a secret spot far far far from here

where I could let go and inhale the wind against the salt of our skin

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