Monday, October 27, 2014

Fresh Faced Wonder

This morning I woke at six. I was incredibly proud as I rode out on my bicycle shortly after seven to make my way to campus. My notebook open, pen in hand, glasses over my eyes I sit in the window of a cafe and sip hand roasted coffee and watch the damp dawn roll in. My mid-term exams are mostly finished. It should not come as a surprise to anyone that I am the top seated student in all of my courses. I had anxiety dream about getting a low A in art history. It didn't happen. I know my material.
What is bothering me more than anything these days is how I am going to be able to keep the momentum as time goes on. I think that I've got a decent, manageable schedule, but I am also unable to do basic things like laundry and go to the grocery store. I blame this on my lack of transportation. Still, it's worrisome that I am falling behind personally. Part of the slow down is recognizing that I cannot party like a twenty year old. I have personal struggles with addiction, loss association, and emotional fatigue. I slow down, I speed up, I search for delicious diversions and find them similar, known, basic.
I revert and increase my ability to accept the moment by moment changes presented to me. I grow comfortable in the ongoing success of scholastic achievement. I went to a goblin ball and the goblin king spanked me publicly. It was the best night of my life.

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