Monday, August 07, 2006


The abbreviated silence that sits in my mind hums like a refrigerator. My cat mews, I don't like him all that much, typical. I can't seem to decide if he is endearing or simply hungry. I ignore him as I read and eat ice cream from the carton.

No man, no cat, can alter my finite decision making skills. Looking at the cat: you would make an excellent muff. Thus, solving the problem of an anti-pet code and winter fashion in one deadly blow.

This is the crux. To live unreasonably in the age of reason. To expect a return from my surroundings and those who inhabit them. I am so nullified that my thin humor washes down the tub if I shave too closely. Oh, there is light, but it is florescent and will induce headaches.

I feign a left hook. I end up out cold, but at least I got there. Two aspirin and a glass of water is all I need to get me to the shower. Once there the spray of water does the rest and the day is dawn.

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