Tuesday, August 08, 2006


The perma-fast is the diet for the not quite anorexic. The details are a bit vague as my memory has become hazy. Mostly, it involves water in large quantities— to flush toxins and waste from the system— and fruit. The key to success is not eating before five, that way the body never begins the digestive process. The first day is the most difficult. It is like quitting smoking. Mimicking the bodies craving for nicotine, day one on the perma-fast leaves me irritable and nauseous. Thankfully, each day the symptoms decrease and I am rewarded with lighter, cleaner lungs, skin, and legs.
Perma-fast should not be tempted by the weak or faint. If light headed dizzy spells are not your thing, then settle on saddle bags. It is also important to note that, like smoking, the occasional slip up helps to remind me why I persevere. There is nothing like scorched lungs or a full stomach to motivate me eliminate indulgence. Those moments, after months of self denial, grow further apart.
There are people who can achieve the same results by less drastic measures. I am not one of them. I could go for hypnotherapy, but I might end up married, that would be bad. Or exercise, but I do that too. I despise the double standards. I push my body to extremes: the world applauds.

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