Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Happy as a Kite

Morning happens cracking eyes like eggs in a hot pan eyes open and the soul returns from its nighttime holiday. I reach functional caffeine and nicotine levels quickly. One, two, three coffees hot and black consumed in rapid succession.

(I realize now there is no spell check on this toshiba, for which I appologize.)

I have everything in life: Absolutely nothing is mine. I let go and the edge of existance pushes back against me, bouying me up against the backdrop of reality, against the storm of my mind I am happy as a kite.

Alone together this spoken aloud agreement to be honest with my words that take form in actions, I undo the past today, start fresh with hot coffee and watch my body heal.

It is not the body which must heal but the mind which tortures the body. Hidden in plain sight these wounds, these scars, these memories on flesh truimph against anguish, a survivor of life I chase myself. A fox, a wild boar, a rattlesnake I hunt the hunted and rip flesh from bone chewing slowly on the meat suck marrow from bone. Not so alone when one is a carnivore.

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