Sunday, September 09, 2012

Help Hurt Humans

San Francisco this morning is sky and sun and early morning families pushing babies in wagons. A rare  sky day, ripe with potential and high on coffee I window shop and dream of new boots made of soft camel colored leather and a haircut with bangs and being snapped up by a roving philanthropist. Fall in the city does that, makes me dream of possibility.

Yesterday I learned something. I get to chose to not allow how people speak to me to be a reflection of myself. I am not a victim of words; I am a survivor of myself.

I am on the prowl in search of stimulation: Solitude is sacred. Pressure makes me shake a late fall leaf on a naked limb waiting for the gust of wind that will loose me.

Structural parameters, clear definable limits, and at least two contingency plans that's how I roll out through days of introspection. It is time for action.


mr_kitty said...

Will a roving philander suffice?

chaya stillwater.lanz said...

Of course. I am fond of roves in general.