Friday, November 09, 2012

Pulling Strings and Folding Napkins

I worked for many hours to earn enough hard cash to get Starbright Firecracker BoomBoom serviced. I am lucky,  I don't need much to survive. I do need transportation. Not having wheels this week has been brutal for my social ego.

There was a time, not all that long ago, that I held a belief
that's all gone, long behind me
beliefs can be funny that way

pulled in and out of a linty pocket
on a little saturday
like the next best thing
or the new black

I say a lot of things talking
and waiting
for the other shoe
the one on my foot to fallI
and finally end the conversation
that never started

I've shaken my ass around a pole
tits poked out
for dirty dollars
and lipsticked collars

Supper time in the senior mess hall
can be anything
if you're invited it's best to cover your arms
and paint your nails fawn, or coral

I blend in button downs

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