Tuesday, November 06, 2012

49 and counting

There are not really all that many more days in this year. Not so very many worth counting (49).

I am officially an adult. I took Starbrite Firecracker BoomBoom to the shop for service and I did it before everything was jimmy-jacked all to hell. I am a little worried about being able to eat through november, but somehow everything settles into place and pockets stay full and hearts overflow.

And life rubs against my skin in the way that voices make my skin crawl and the feel of today and tomorrow and yesterday are all the same only today is tuesday and tuesday begins with T.

The ups and downs of being a working artist are numerous and countable. Supposing that god loses faith me me? then what will I do?

I tempt fate and my pay-as-I go approach always seems to even out. This love-hate relationship with life is grueling; this fun-shit motto keeps me in check.


Anonymous said...

New to joomla please guide me i have download joomla from website ? What should i do ?

chaya stillwater.lanz said...

I would start with pickles, potatoes, mayo, and top it off with a cracker. Hope that helps, love Chaya