Thursday, August 14, 2014

High Jinx

I consumed a ridiculous amount of coffer today and feel like a memorial monster of veins. This consumption was not for naught. The day of state permits, licenses, fees, new banking systems put into place, and library card established.

Taking care of all of the basics feels good, adult. I have a voice in my head that likes to remind me that I am not doing enough; days like today help me to tell it to back off.

My apartment is a disaster! papers, clothes, books, jewelry, technology are in giant jumbled heaps. I love it, my mess. I know it will resolve. I appreciate that I am cheating on my future ocd  clean-bot.

I am still somewhat confused as how to feed myself. I am good with juice, smoothies, salad and quinoia; meals remain amorphous.

From the trenches with love.

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