Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Squire not Manspeak

Yes, my lovely talented and well written friend and accomplice, there is no excuse for wallowing. The truth is that I let things slide out of my hands.

I also recognize that this engagement was a very necessary and final step in my progression in my personal development.

This last I have seen myself grow and shift into and out of other's expectations of what I am and into this, who I am.

It is the simple trajectory precipitated by reflection within reflection.

For the last time I let myself


I've been making As. I did, however, get an A- which is my fault and still sucks. More, I have also managed to keep a job. apartment, take 16 credit hours, maintain a semblance of a diet, and self-moderate: I have taken the bull by the horns.

I am no one's fool and know that the hands that have fingers beyond number have been there once more than again

There is a moment in this woman's life that the stopped all the other moments
and now, again, once more

the flecks of nail polish that I leave like resin as I peal back nervously
are not calling cards

I cross my toes
and count my bros

the ones who stand
listen as I speak

hear more than the words
felt between us


I am an entrepreneur
here I find that I would like to add, emotional yet fear that may be interpreted incorrectly. I find that my mother tongue is failing me. I see around all the casted metropolis and it is vast.

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