Saturday, January 10, 2015

My Mouth is Full

Have you even had so much in your mouth you can't chew
and end up either choking to death
or spitting out the mouthful
or jabbing a narrow straw through the whole thing and subsisting on shallow breaths of air?

None of those are functional.

My apartment is tidy. I moved my table near the window to take advantage of the little available light. I went to the recycling center and dumped last term's paper into a giant bin.

I am taking more credits this term: Two upper division studio art classes, statistics, art history, a psyche class; I am functional.

That feeling of loss is still lingering about me. I hear voices, have dreams, keep working toward a sense of wholeness. More than anything right now I don't meet anyone's expectations of me. None. I cannot seem to manage it. Not for my mother, who always wants me to stay for one more cup of tea; not for men who hardly know me but think that they're special; not for my boss who wants me to work more, go to competitions, go out and party.

This growing selfishness is partly because I am unwilling to be vulnerable. More is that as a gender identifying woman lady a lot is put upon to be, and meet, the resource, the needs of those around me before meeting my own. I just stopped fucking around. It complicates my life. It makes things awkward and messy and I don't have time for feelings and long drawn out conversations. I have time to fuck. I have time to focus.

This makes me sound cold, callused, driven, unwilling to take the time necessary to foster a (single) relationship with one (man) person who will help solidify my place in the world. How could I possibly not want to pour energy into another person to help them develop or maintain their equilibrium?

I just can't, won't, will not

because deep down I am much more of a dude about most things. I don't want to and that's that.

If I were a beard sprouting hursuit lumberjack no one would think twice about me whoring and drinking whiskey while I managed an empire and killed the last dolphin.

Instead, I am a born lady who likes lipstick and despises lip service. I remember back years when I realized that I love my friends and like to fuck strangers. Living in a tiny town that's impossible, but, I can just be fucking ruthless and that's just as good.

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